
Dooor’s folding doors represent an architectural
element designed to extend, delimit or divide
spaces, with that added decorative touch.

As light as fabric, but with a strong and stable core, they combine functionality and high aesthetic qualities, using innovative technology and upholstery materials.

Dooor is a Made in Italy design brand that draws
on the tradition of folding doors. 

Created in the 50s in keeping with the developments in modern architecture, the folding door today has acquired renewed value thanks to the new norm of living, which requires reconfigurable and flexible spaces.

By Dooor
By Dooor

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Quisque urna mi, sodales quis nisi nec, gravida ornare lorem. Vivamus vitae vehicula velit, vitae volutpat metus. Aenean nec pulvinar lectus, in euismod diam. Fusce turpis nibh, hendrerit vel risus a, semper convallis est. Nunc laoreet augue erat, in eleifend dolor viverra sed. Aliquam rhoncus et justo quis fringilla. Nulla malesuada enim finibus purus ullamcorper malesuada. Sed quis nisi a tortor placerat placerat. Mauris congue eget enim in feugiat. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu eleifend risus, vitae porta massa. Vivamus vel ultricies arcu. Maecenas hendrerit efficitur ex id luctus. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam aliquet bibendum libero, eget consectetur libero vestibulum ac. Pellentesque eu feugiat ante, eget tristique nisl.

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